There was once upon a time you would've never seen me in a bathing suit. One becuz I don't swim but also becuz I wasn't comfortable being half naked EEEK!! I actually have a pic in my swimsuit from the first drag cruise that I told Marci should never see the light of day lol. EEeeeeeh I might drop it one day as a before n after but for now that shyt will be locked AWAY!! I don't think I've blogged about my weight loss since revealing HOW and this month will make it 2 years since I've had it. I figure I'd slowly but surely elaborate on what I still struggle with.

I just knew after I got surgery and started bootcamp within my 1st year anniversary I would've made my goal weight of 175. Ummm yea nah!! I am teetering between 195 and 200 easy!! 195 is a good week/month where I eat right and exercise. 200 is when I'm on my fat girl shyt n skipping anything remotely close to bootcamp. When you are on your own journey DO NOT get caught up in comparing urself to others. How someone else loses might not work for u. I know me personally...I can't n shan't even lie to myself thinking I can do whatever particular diet or challenge cuz I don't like restrictions. I can't live the rest of my life eating salads. I'm too loyal to chicken to ever cut out meat and no I'm not giving up sugar!! What works for ME is simply not over eating the wrong things. I can lose weight alone with clean eating. When I wanna kick it up a notch I'll incorporate BC but it's not mandatory for me. I'm in a good space right now and semi-content where I am. I say semi- becuz no I am not where I wanna be but I'm not 290 lbs either. I've always been comfortable in my skin but I am now comfortable with my body.

It still baffles me and seems unbelievable that I am a smaller size (FYI: 12/14) becuz I've been well over a size 16 for sooooo long. When you lose a great amount of weight-for me-It also mentally adjusts ur brain. When I shop I still go directly to the plus size section becuz my brain is wired to thinkin I'm still plus size. Don't get me wrong...for some brands I do still fall within the plus size chart becuz of my height (or thighs). I literally had a pause n breakdown moment when I went into the dressing room and was able to comfortably get in a size 12 or a medium shirt or even Large sized pants. Dresses can be tricky tho cuz I have lost my boobs, slimming waist yet these dmn thighs remind me I'm stiiiiiiiiill here :7 But yea so I had a moment in the dressing room where I literally shed a tear becuz it feels like just yesterday where I was sucking in my stomach to button a size 18 jeans up or bulging out of an XL shirt that looked like a muscle shirt on me...laaaawd don't make me get the testifying up in here **cue tambourine** but ya get my jist. I've been learning it's so much more to it when losing weight that I never really thought about-mentally!!
Come thruuuu Eliza J (nordy rack) Size 14 (she fits kinda small) |
I appreciate all the love, support and interest in my story. I paid the info forward to someone who also went to Mexico and to see her progress is amazing. Like wow, I looked at Tai before me who did it in awe n inquired; someone watched my progress did the same and we all made the decision to make it happen. I scroll thru my timeline like dmn we've come a loooong way. Regardless in however you embark on your journey just be realistic and be happy. I get comments like "oh I've only lost 2 lbs this week" and I think we should celebrate small victories. We wanna lose so much, so fast, so soon that when you don't wake up 20 lbs lighter after a day, week or month you feel defeated. I teeter between 195 and 200 becuz I'm not consistent. If I don't exercise and eat right-basically do nothing, I lose nothing. When I'm in grind mode it takes me well over 30 days of consistency n determination for results. Again...thats just me!!
Smooches |
Love the raw and honest illustration through words of your journey