I feel this should be a pretty popular post since I get the questions asked quite often lately. I might have to break this up in more than one post becuz yall know I write a lot lol. I think I've been putting this post off for a while now becuz I don't even know where to begin and contemplated IF I should even start. I just knew in my heart of hearts I couldn't continue journaling with my "life of uh former fat girl" series if I skipped over the beginning. If you read my
A-Ha moment than I'll pick up where I left off and as usual I'm gonna be real, raw and transparent as I can possibly be....
A few years ago when I noticed my weight would go up and down I considered lipo. I didn't care to focus on anything other than the removal of my big azz gut. I threw it out there and folks laughed at me. Why people always take me for a joke oooooh I don't know but I was serious yet not serious. It was then I conjured up every possible way to see how I could go about this lipo. I came across all types of weight loss surgeries but I knew dmn well my insurance wasn't having it. I wasn't big enuff to qualify for gastric bypass so I looked into the lap band. My doctor was like ummm no and stated I didn't need it BUT she did give me a heads up on the process. Basically I'd have to lose 20lbs on my own, go in front of a board of doctors who would approve or disapprove and take a host of classes n blah blah blah. I'm liiiiike if I could lose the 20 on my own I wouldn't be askin in the first place-DUH! The lap band was a no go anyways cuz after I did more research on it, I found too many complications that could come with it like the band slippin, ending up wit 2 stomachs n that alone was enuff for me to be like yea umm NO! My curly sister Tai had posted something about losing weight around Oct/Nov 2013 and I hit her up to ask what, when and how. She told me of the diet she was on to lose the weight and I was still skeptical. I think I'm pretty much allergic to diets. I see all these shake challenges, no sugar diets, phk carb diets, drink the sweat from monkey balls diet and everyone miraculously loses weight. I was like ummm yea lemme sit back n do more research on this til I fully commit. I clocked her progress and bombarded her wit tons of questions. She was really patient with me but I was just so intrigued especially to see such amazing results. In the midst of watching her I was trying to do my own thing ie gym, eat right n whatever else that clearly was not working. Finally Feb 2014 after gathering all the facts I could, getting answers to all the questions I had, joining forums and support groups I made my mind up to go for the gusto and make what would be the best decision of my life....

I scheduled my appointment to have Gastric Sleeve Surgery!!!! BOOM!!! Not only did I decide on weight loss surgery (WLS) I had it done in MEXICO!! BOOM-POW!! Whatever u are thinking, I've heard it all and before u judge please know-u don't know my story. I booked my appt in Feb for April so I had 2 months to gear up to take the plunge. I only told a select group of people. Why? Becuz I know the stigma and stereotype behind getting surgery in foreign countries and I honestly didn't need a whole bunch of people in my ear about it. My friends tried to talk me out of it in any way possible but I've never been the one to fall into peer pressure. When my mind is made up it's just that. I know what I want and I go hard at it. I did the research. I learned the pros and cons and I made the choice of the sleeve becuz it was the least amount of risk for complications. To do something so permanent initially scared me but I had to be optimistic of the outcome. Why Mexico? I knew I wouldn't get approved thru my insurance company and IF I did have that possibility it would take a good 6-9 months sometimes longer to make it through the process beginning to end. I had carried my weight far too long. The cost is mainly the reason for medical tourism in foreign countries so let me break it down really quick: here in the states the surgery can cost u from $18-40k and Mexico $4-8k. Oh but wait...u don't trust doctors in Mexico huh? I think people seem to forget the majority of malpractice here in the states does actually happen too. I AM NOT SPEAKIN ON ALL SURGERIES AND ALL FOREIGN DOCTORS. At the end of the day whether u get surgery in the states or outside the states....DO YOUR RESEARCH!! I did extensive research as I do anything I show interest in. I didn't necessarily go with the cheapest yet I went off a referral from Tai. She passed on everything she knew and I took it from there. So within those 2 months aka my waiting period, I went back and forth with my decision. I was standing strong in my decision but I would be lying if I didn't slightly think of the cons my select group of people would put in my head. What if I go over there and die? What if my surgery doesn't go right? All types of what if's circled in my head but seeeee I'm the type of person who's like anything can happen to anybody no matter where u are. I feel like my life is written and only God knows how I'm suppose to go out. That's why I have no fear of dying. Folks see plane crashes on tv and never wanna fly. For what? U see car accidents everyday but still drive don't u. I've seen plenty of Final Destination movies to know...u can't hide from the grim reaper lol.
April 2014
It's Friday and I'm headed out to Mexico, by myself, not knowing what to expect. I get to the airport and meet up with 2 other women who are there for the same thing. We all greet each other as we learn we're waiting for the same ride to see the same doctor. One laydee brought her bestie who had the surgery the previous year so she was instantly our "guide". We get to the medical facility (no it's not a hospital like here) and we meet with the doctor. My doctor explained the process thoroughly. He doesn't do more than 3 surgeries a day and does the proper blood work to determine if he'll proceed or not. I felt at ease. We all swapped stories on how we ended up in Mexico and what we were looking forward to after the success of the surgery. The nurses are such angels and catered to our every need. As I'm getting blood work done and medication I notice the facility is clean-cleaner than back at home believe it or not and I am the last one up to bat. The nurse comes in and says "ok the laydeez before u went well and ur next". HOLY SHYT my heart starts beating a tad bit faster and my tough girl exterior slowly fades. I can NOT believe I'm really about to do this. If I don't make it what will become of Mason? Awww dmn my makeup stash which I'm sure my sisters wont have a problem shuffling through **rolls eyes** So I get wheeled in the operation room and my head is on swivel at all the medical equipment which I meeeean looks pretty up to date to me. My palms are sweaty and I'm just continuously praying to the good Lord above to do me right. I'm looking at the doctor who's prepped up and he begins to again explain what he's gonna do to me. As he's talkin I totally hear his voice go to something I can understand to Charlie Brown's teacher becuz my mind is racing with so many thoughts at this point. Fast fwd...I wake up from surgery which was a success! Thank God. I am comfortably taken care of and I'm like WOW! Kisha u crazy as hell but u did it.

Saturday we are closely monitored to make sure everything's on track to heal up well. I had no appetite but it don't matter if u do cuz u can't eat shyt but a popsicle which seemed like the best dmn popsicle I ever had in my life. I sent a message to let my peeps know I'm still alive and rest easy. YES, I have all my organs mmmm k lol. Sunday me and my newfound sleeve sister go to the Recovery House outside the facility. We are both excited and reflecting on our "fat days" already. By Monday I was flyin' back home and recovery time was a breeze. What I did isn't for everyone and nothing comes easy. I made the decision to do WLS to merely use it as a tool to jumpstart myself to healthy living. Some people may look at it as if ur cheating or not doing it the "right way" but at the end of the day I don't regret my decision one bit and would do it again in a heart beat. When people hear Mexico they instantly go to the image media portrays depicting a 3rd world country or Mexican hoodlums kidnapping Americans. Even vacationing I've never felt unsafe and I like to venture off tourist spots n kick it with the locals.
Tai & I |
I tell Tai all the time but this woman literally saved my LIFE!! Had she not been open to share her own journey I don't think I would've ignited the fire I had to make the moves I did to make it happen. I did what I had to do for ME. I can't take care of my family if I don't have my own shyt together. Like I always say...I have nothing to prove to nobody. If u wanna lose weight naturally, do that but don't bash others who chose a different path to get to the finish line. Everyone has their own stories and ur journey is just that-YOUR OWN. Quiet as kept what u don't know is surgery is the easy part and the real challenge comes AFTER. I didn't just wake up after surgery 100lbs lighter. I still had to put in work to get to where I am today. It's not easy and please know, I am not an advocate or poster child for the gastric sleeve procedure and I can only give u advice and answer questions from what iiiiiiiii went through. I didn't follow the rules n did my own thing as far as properly caring for urself afterwards. I still keep in touch with my sleeve sisters and peek into the forums to keep up with what to expect years down the line. It's been a year and it's only the beginning for me. I'm still learning how to utilize my sleeve. I purposely didn't go into what the sleeve actually is becuz if ur interested u need to google it and read up on the many articles n info available on the web. I am here for any questions u have pertaining to MY experience. From what I've learned (and seen) more people participate in medical tourism with plenty of successful stories than what's put out there yet they only harp on that one mishap to ruin everyone's perception. Cost isn't the only reason people go overseas for procedures. U have privacy and better care. My nurses and treatment was better in Mexico than when I was stuck in the hospital for 4 days after giving birth in DC. Eventually I wanna go back for "plastics" but that's no time soon. WELP!! Glad I got that off my chest and into the universe. Now I can proceed to talk about the REAL work that starts and the emotional rollercoaster losing weight brings. That's the part I didn't prep for and now I understand why insurance companies would make u take therapy sessions BEFORE surgery becuz it really is....I can't explain it but it's something else.
Smooches |
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