I really wish I could hand out the confidence I possess to
others. Some people might think it's vain but in actuality I'm pretty darn
humble. It took a loooong time for me to get to this point. When u are goin
thru those growin pains u can be pretty reckless with urself dealing with
insecurities and lack of self-esteem. I see a lot of lost young girls (and
adults) roaming the streets these days thinking u need to be half naked and
twerking for attention. Sexy to me isn't the tightest body con dress u can squeeze
into nor is it a low cut dress exposing boobs n the shortest skirt to flash ur
azz. Sex appeal comes in to how well u carry urself. It's a certain type of
swag u either got it or u don't. For me, I feel sexy in pants. I'm talkin
wide leg preferably palazzo's and a crisp blouse. U have a certain air about
urself depending on how u feel to coordinate with what u wear. U don't walk
the same in jeans as u do dressed up or u might hold ur head high knowing u
just got ur hair n nails done vs that off week (we all got em, dnt fake).
Confidence is another thing that can't be taught nor bought. I have such a soft
spot for short crop gals becuz I know u have to have a certain confidence
within urself to pull it off. You have to really be sure of WHO u are to
completely not have what some folks use as a security blanket. I don't wanna
toot my own horn but lemme get on my Yeezy for a hot second:
One thing I know I can't do is apologize for being ME!
There's only one of me for a reason-I'm just too much hunty! I am a woman in every sense of the word and
I have insecurities-naturally. Do I lack confidence? NO!! Why? Becuz I don't
look for validation from no man nor woman to define who I am. I've learned
whether u do good or bad folks will always have something to say. You can be a
pillar of ur community n folks will look for any loopholes from ur past to
discredit u. Perfect or imperfect it don't matter soooo why should I care what
someone thinks of me? When I'm fat they will talk. When I have less poundage
they will talk. At the end of the day why would u be press to impress someone
or pretend to be something ur not when they will still talk? I don't play into
the smoke n mirrors folks play these days and it's kinda sad that people post
up these "Life is Grand", "I Love Myself" and
"Relationship Goals" facades to the universe knowing dmn well life
isn't what it seems and they wanna fake as if everything is peachy!! We don't know what folks do behind closed
doors. You go off the appearance they present to u whether it's real or fake.
People these days don't live in their truth becuz they care what people think
of them!! Actually dmn I just freestyled that one and surprised even
myself...lemme say it one more time: PEOPLE THESE DAYS DON'T LIVE IN THEIR
There are miserable couples who are staying together knowing
dmn well their heart isn't into it becuz their the examples to those who know
them as "the perfect couple" so oh no they can't break up n let us
down becuz who will we then look up to for "relationship goals" (hell
u see media keeps divorcing Will n Jada). You have people in the closet and/or
remain in denial becuz if they came out they fear ridicule from whomever. That
one "I love myself" chick know dmn well she's hurt from her last
relationship so she gotta pretend she's good and moved on to some new dude even
tho she aint got over the last one. My thing is...when u love urself...I mean TRULY
love yo' self-u don't have to make a billboard sign for it cuz it'll
automatically show. I get it, I get it. Nobody wants to show their vulnerable
side in fear of what others will say or think of them. Me personally...I have
the most nonchalant, IDGAF type of attitude when it comes to people's opinions
of me becuz I'm used to being prejudged n stereotyped before I even open my
mouth. Why? Becuz of my appearance alone-I'm not eeeeeeven gonna go there wit
the lightskin stigma. Do I have my bad days-Yes! I don't feel pretty every day.
Am I single? Yes. Do I like it? No but I think too highly of myself to settle n
be content. At this point in my life-it's mandatory to treat me right or u gots
to go! I'm to the point I'm not even giving 2nd chances these days. For
whaaaaat. We grown now! I kinda digressed but my nonchalant attitude comes from
knowing I have nothing to prove to anybody-NOBODY!!! Also becuz I work hard for
everything I have. I just can't seem to fathom the idea of entertaining
people's FREE misconceptions n opinions of me.
I have always been a leader in my own right. I go left when others go
right (not just cuz I'm left-handed #TeamFlanders). I'm an open book and I
don't pretend to be someone I'm not. What u see is what u get wit me if u ever
get to know me. My confidence comes from knowing I've overcome obstacles thrown
at me whether planned or last minute. My confidence comes from proving those
who counted me out wrong. My confidence comes from knowing I don't always have
to use my words or bust u upside the head to prove my point. Sometimes what's
understood doesn't have to be said. I am resilient and still standing.
Materialistic things in life don't make or break me becuz I know what it's like
to have and not have. So u dmn right with every step I take I feel like Wonder Woman and dmn it u should too.
Smooches |
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