Pregnant After 35: Are we there yet?
Oct 2018; 26 wks
Heartburn is kickin my azz!! Sleep…I am lackin!! Snacks…I’m attacking!! #Barz Thus far I’ve only gained about 20 lbs. In my head, I am good at concealing my bump. In reality, my wardrobe is becoming limited. There will be no fashion fwd maternity styles or how-to’s from me. I am looking to be as comfortable as possible. Leggings, Loose Dresses, Catsuits w/dusters, oversized sweaters, flared tops and FLATS will be my maternity uniform **yawns** yall know what I’m capable of. I ain’t gotta prove nothing to nobody TUH. Hair will stay Damn’d up cuz doing it now is such a task. I let it go a good 2 wks before wash day, throw on a turban in between..twist up n out-dassit. I want my maternity shoot to be simple n chic as possible to capture this last go round of a moment. I ain’t gonna be in no milky tub w/flowers, no secret gardens wit the flowing dress blown ever so gently to the side or the infamous baby daddy in jeans n no shirt holdin my belly as we look down at this bundle of joy comin soon. I’m going for simple n elegant.

To deal with heartburn, I simply eat before 7 n as of late; dinner has just been cereal becuz I want to attempt to get a good night’s rest. I am a bath whore to force me to be still n maintain sanity as I chill but as these weeks rollin I gotta get creative on how to get out the tub comfortably. I have a little bell I use when I’m in need. Mason comes running when I ring it lol. My skin has been horrendous as hormones been phkn me up. I got dry patches on my arms, my under eyes dry n peely-wearing makeup has dmn near come to a HALT unless I have a burst of energy on the wknds to keep my skills up and my snack of choice is ICE!! I have the best babydaddies EVER as they cave into my cravings requests n make sure I’m good. They continue to make this a pleasurable experience for me to accommodate as much as possible. I’d highly recommend them as babydaddies #YelpReview lol I’m already lookin fwd to moving in with them during my last week’s so they can spoil, pamper n be at my every beck n call **cue evil laugh** Oh the joy of being THE QUEEN!!!

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