There has been such a shift in my life as I approach my 40's-EEEEK!! I am officially THIRTY SEVEN!!!! I honestly stopped counting after like 33 tho cuz anything after 30 becomes a blur. I can easily get emotional thinking about the clarity and perspective of life I've been gaining as I learn to grow into my own as a woman. I don't even know how to put it into words to explain it but I'll try...

Recently my brother Cam, asked me how I became so successful. I was already taken back by the question let alone how to answer it. When I asked him to elaborate, he ran down what I have and that I don't complain. Now I found myself having a deep convo moment and wanted to reply in a way that a 13 yr old could understand. Success and Happiness is subjective. I may not be viewed as successful becuz I'm a renter vs homeowner; not knowing I've been a homeowner yet prefer to rent. I don't drive a luxury car (during the week lol), have a college degree (yet), never been married, don't make 6 figures, or whatever else society pressures the world to think "you've made it once you've obtained". Success for me is having a peace of mind and being happy. Everything he listed that I have don't make me as a person. I'm well aware that those "things" can be taken away at any time and I don't take it for granted. So no, I don't complain. I'm grateful to have the lifestyle I live and count my blessings. I've come a VERY looooong way personally, career wise and financially to get to where I am today. So yes, I carry myself like I'm the shyt cuz I AM. But hold up...the best part...guess who I needed to validate that? **Keith Sweat voice** NOBOOOODY!! If my presence or attitude offends u or makes u feel some type of way then re-evaluate ur life n level up. I'm honest no matter how brutal it comes off. I could also ramble off a bunch of things I am but to know me would know I mean well n don't come with malice intentions. I used to suppress being me becuz I know I'm over the top at times but the older I get the more I'm like phk it. Take me as I am! I wish everyone could be as free to being themselves as I feel. Not giving a dmn about what anyone thinks of them. I don't feel like I have to pretend to be someone I'm not or sell u on liking me.

What do I have planned for my birthday? Nothing. I've never been big on celebrating it as far as parties n etc. Eeeh I'm easy n low key. Even my pics was last minute. I wanted a full out photoshoot but I've been sick for a good week :( so I had to pull out the most organic photoshoot ever haha. I'm grand yet simple (go figure). Everyday is my birthday the way I treat myself so I'm just very happy to be here...another year here I stand-mama I made it. Happy Birthday to meeeeee and my fellow Aquarians. We the type of friends y'all need in the clutch n whatever u tend to read about Aquarians-bully'd dat shyt.
Smooches |
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