You ever feel like the weekend goes by soooo fast and before u know it Monday rolls back around **cue Kim K ugly cry** Well for me, it takes a good 2 weeks to make it to the weekend and even then if I'm lucky to find time when I'm NOT doing overtime, I spend time with my greatest loves: family, friends and makeup!! Sometimes if I wanna hibernate from all of the above I like to just be IN the house and savor the moments of not working the wknd. I started my Friday with a quick cat nap after getting off at 6am, squeezed in an oil change then off to the best stylist in the world, Mahogany, for my hair color. My sissy Dee decided to "shadow" me aka play in makeup so we stopped in the CCO (cosmetic company outlet) at the harbor where I normally find some discontinued/hidden gems to toss on my face.
My lip: Mac Nightingale liner/Bianca B/Oyster Girl lipglass
Her lip: Mac Matte Royal |
After a quick makeup lesson I was off to meet up with my fam for Happy Hour where as a non-drinker I get my favorite-water on the rocks!!! But ooooh wait-not before I made Dee my official photographer foooooor **screams** IMPROMPTU PHOTOSHOOOOOT
Top: Nordstrom (last summer)/Pants: Tommy Bahama/Shoes: Steve Madden |
I absolutely positively LOVE wide leg pants. It's just something so sophisticating about a woman who can stand out with a great pair of wide legs n take a break from the everyday skinnies! I first seen these pants early spring in the mall at the Tommy Bahama store. I never shopped there before as I glance over and see there selection that always looks like old fancy beach house couture, I normally keep it moving. I seen out my PER-RIFF-E-ULS these gorgeous pants and I just HAD to stop in and check em out. I pick em up off the rack without lookin at a size becuz I go for the TAG first n foremost **gasp n clutch the pearls** that dmn price tag said $188!!! Errr uuummm NO!! I ever so gently put that shyt back on the rack and left opting never to return again becuz clearly I knew not even iiiiii was on their level-hmmph!! I often thought of these pants but wit how much it cost...I knew it would be nothing more than a dream. YES I've dropped that amount plus some at Sephora or easily a mac counter BUT with my waist size shrinking I just couldn't invest in such at this point.

So fast forward to ooooh bout the end of June, I'm killing time at Tanger outlets and I spot a Tommy store. I went in off a hunch and discovered a SALE!!!! Say whaaaaaat-IM IN. As I paroooze I spot wit my little eye the very same pants that broke my heart n humbled my wallet-these dmn pants!! Am I dreaming again? This just cant be!! There I was standing there reunited with my love. Although there was a sale going on I seen NO sale sign on this rack so I stood there picked up the biggest size (14) and peeped the price **insert blank stare** that shyt stiiiiiill said $188 BUT lo n behold this guy who worked there was like "oh this rack is half off" and I thought FINALLY a glimmer of hope came from this man's vocal cords yet I still paused becuz dmn it I'm cheap a savvy shopper!! I had one of those ShaNaeNae from Martin talks with myself tryin to decide if I wanted to come up off $94 for some dmn pants. I was in there for a good 30 min, tryin em on, tryin to convince myself I don't need em anymore, secretly still wanting to take advantage of the 2nd chance to grab em. I've honestly not spent that much on a garment of clothes for myself in a looooong time. I finally stood tall and said PHK IT THESE ARE MINE!! I have come a looooong way not just in losing 90lbs (not that im counting) but just a lot for me has grown, matured and changed for me within the past year or so and as much as I work and put others before me why should I NOT treat myself. I sacrifice to give-give-give-give to others so why not just have that ONE good time where u like let me GIVE to myself. Not to mention my YOLO mentality I've been having lately. I love these pants and dnt regret getting em for a 2nd (plus it was actually cheaper than I expected which is always an extra blessing) **sings** we belong togethaaaaaaaaaaaaa

My bag is priceless! I can't tell u where it came from becuz it was my moms. An authentic snakeskin bag that is safely tucked away in a duster until I feel vintage-y and bring her out to see the light. I'm quite sure this bag is about 20+ yrs old and will never get old to me. I'm a sucker for 3 kinds of prints: Houndsooth, Polka Dots and Snake print. Anything with those 3 and I'm automatically buying it.

The rest of my weekend consisted of spending time with family. Shopping with my girls-I did good and did NOT get anything from the mac counter! Sephora that's a different subject but even I only got something for $20 (KVD lippie) and that was IT!!! Trying to pull back juuuust a tad yall lol. I did breakfast with "my boys" on Sunday and enjoyed holding the most precious little mini me the world just isn't ready for #TurbansAndPearls ;) I know how much we dread Monday's. It's the beginning of the week and we already looking forward to Friday which seems light years away but it's great to stop and reflect on what a great weekend it was to spend time and have fun with family & friends.
Dmn photographer not listening to DIRECTION >:< |
This is my Oh What's Over There Pose |
My Lip: Maybelline Magenta-bulous w/mac nightingale liner
Her Lip: Mac Stone w/Chestnut liner (gorge combo) |
Aaaaah felt good sitting in the BACK SEAT!!!
Please don't tell my trainer I got PASTA from Olive Garden EEEK!! |
Shades: Forever 21/Lips: KVD Bow N Arrow, Mac Cork liner w/YSL combo |
smooches |
The pants are GAWJUS!! You know, I would tell you if they weren't!
ReplyDeleteAre the agency's calling yet???! You are a model!! I'm still salty about the Sunday Brunch COORDINATION! but Ima let it slide, this time!! cause #IRideSOLO
Cute pants! I am really wanting to find me so super cute super wide leg jeans in my size. I have a super tough time finding me jeans period.
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss your relaunch? Love it :-)
ReplyDeleteLuv your style! Makeup is Flawless! Ummm I need to know your routine. It's impeccable. Makes me want to start wearing makeup lol. Shhhhh I know that's crazy right. Mascara, brows and a lip gloss is as far as I go
ReplyDeleteWhite sunnies..... Where did u find those gems?