A few years ago I started a blog called
Kandid Koilz about my natural
hair journey, my makeup beginnings and other random thoughts that came to my
insane mind. Hmmmm I think my last entry waaaaas March 2014-Yikes!! It can
be a tad hard to keep up with when ur working 12 hr shifts, OT, traveling and
being lazy along with tryin to keep up with an ever so fastly growin young man
name Mason. A lot has changed since then but it always tugs on my heart to blog
becuz I have soooo much to share. I decided to revamp it and start fresh.
Honestly, what really called me back is becuz as of late…I’ve been moving on UP
in the world yall and venturing off into high end makeup **waves pinky** yeeees
daaaarling I have ARRIVED!!! The hard part IS ummm…apparently being the online
shopper I be-there aren’t many swatches or reviews for women of color. Make no
mistake there’s a plethora of reviews for lower end **coughs mac** but I really
rely on blogs for swatches n reviews as part of my “research” to decide what im
going to try next. I have not limited myself strictly to higher end (yet) but
there’s just something that every true makeup lover should experience and enjoy
when they enter that higher price range of a bracket with makeup **sits up
straight with poise and nose in the air** Besides that I’ve come along way with the
skills and techniques I’ve learned over the years. I sit back and watch, sometimes
partake in the growing trends that come and go! I have little sisters who are
getting into makeup along with friends who’ll randomly ask me how to’s and what
to get type questions. If I knew then what I know now-is mainly what I’d also
like to share so this can be fun as I revisit my stash and break out some
oldies but goodies!
In another 8 yrs he'll be 16-is there a pause button? |
Why Balls of Beauty:
The balls part…errrr uuuuh well I love balls!! Just saying balls excites me. It’s such a fun, quirky, nasty without being vulgar type of word. I also admire how gutsy it sounds when used in the context of bravery. I love taking chances in life and I’d be bored out my mind if I didn’t challenge myself to step outside the box. I hate anything normal (to a certain extent) and enjoy expressing creativity. I cringe when I hear people say “oh I can’t do this or that” or “only you can get away with” and oh my favorite line “I wish I could but” and it’s like why not? Now I can see if it’s because ur restricted due to ur job or whatever but I don’t take life for granted. It’s too short to not enjoy living. I see people work all their lives day in and day out, rarely take vacays, always sacrificing and putting others ahead of them…not stopping to smell the roses. After 60 yrs of excuses like should’ve could’ve would’ve- I always wanted to and one day I’ll…they retire and croak over and DIE weeks to months later. Never taking the advantage or opportunity to enjoy LIFE!!
So the Balls of Beauty was born (courtesy of Najah) becuz I'm a chance taker! I take risks! Especially when it comes to beauty. I remember being deathly afraid of red lipstick....liiiiike hell naw I dnt wanna look like a clown and now there's no color I wont nor cant wear. Never in a million years did I think I'd have not just purple hair but pink...liiiike WHAT??? ME? oh noooo. Sometimes u gotta take baby steps but lately I just been off the YOLO and just diving head first in shyt. There's nothing I wont try at least one good time. I want to encourage women to step outside their comfort zone every once in a while and just do something different. If you don't like it oh well...least u can say u tried it.

Now what else will my blog be about??? hmmm...besides sharing my love for makeup, I also want to share my weight loss journey as well. I have officially lost 90lbs since last April EEEEK!! I started off at a hefty 290 and here I am tipping the scale at 200...FINALLY!!! I can now skydive without paying extra for being over 200. My next goal is 175 and anything under is cherry on the top:

There's honestly a lot of ups and downs-emotional rollercoasters people DONT talk about and I just want to be open n honest with it cuz it's truly a struggle-like no joke!! There's no easy way out of losing weight. I have an amazing trainer who stays on my azz and I can't shake her lol. If I'm absent for a few weeks she's hitting me up like WHERE ARE U!!! that's exactly what I need to stay focused n be accountable. So I'll dump those stories in my 'Life of Uh Former Fat Girl" series. This joint will always be pic heavy cuz I meeeeean who doesn't go crazy in selfie mode n take advantage of good lighting? I won't ramble any longer...I just had to do a quick intro to get this long awaited blog out to the masses!! I mean sheesh I can only let yall wait for so long :)
Smooches |
Thx for sharing! I look forward to being inspired!
Yes! She is back!
DeleteI was showing your pics to a friend: "I know this model! She's beautiful, huh?" #Werk
What a great story, I can't wait to read more!
Love it and can't wait to read more!
ReplyDeletesaw your post in our bootcamp...so i wanted to come by and show some love...so happy you got started..this is only the beginning :)
ReplyDeleteP.S I love balls too ha ha
I'm so proud of you. I look forward to following your journey
ReplyDeleteYou slayed this makeup boo! Congrats on getting started again, the first step is always the hardest. Looking forward to reading more!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!! You look fabulous and congrats on the weight loss!!
ReplyDeleteYou're cute! You're son is handsome. Loved the "rambling", gives us a glimpe of what to look forward to. (I wish you wouldn't use the words becuz, ur, shyt, azz, etc. and use the real words)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! So looking forward to the balls if beauty coming up out of here! Congratulations and welcome back!