Contrary to the popular "I woke up like this" phrase I beg to differ. I get countless "how do you" questions on how I apply my makeup and what to get all the time. First of all I'm flattered that anyone would even toss me such a compliment becuz I don't even consider myself a pro. I have come to grips with being above the beginners stage but it honestly didn't happen for me overnight. I didn't think I'd be as obsessed with makeup as I am becuz I only had an interest in learning how to do my brows so I didn't look like an alien in pics. When I went natural in what? 2009 I was focused solely on my natural hair journey. I became so engulfed in that "lifestyle" I researched, became a product junkie and had many trials and tribulations to learn MY hair. Once I conquered that after a year, my curly sister Mary posted a makeup thread on CurlyNikki (Hey OC's) and to spare the I am today. I started from very humble beginnings **cue harps playing to flashback** I knew absolutely NOTHING!!! The most I had ever worn was lipstick and even that was pushing it. You would think with such a glamourous mom I would've already been in the game but nope!! Makeup intimidated me. You think: where do I start? what do I do? wait do that again...I don't get it? I remember going to the drugstore, grabbing a covergirl shadow and applying it with the sponge applicator it comes with (I cringe) and rubbing it across my eye. By the time I was ready to leave out the door that dmn shadow disappeared quicker than a Houdini trick! I just didn't get it so I took my questions n concerns to the makeup thread-how do I get shadows to stay on my lid? someone answered PRIMER!! The next week I landed in this wonderful place known as Sephora which has very easily become my 2nd home and got my very first makeover. Here I am 5 years later and I'm stiiiiiiiill here :)
Where For Art Thou Brows? |
NOW....I want to share some tidbits for those wanting to get into it or have an interest to try it...ok u ready??? As I go through this lesson I'll share my young grasshopper days when I didn't know any better haha...this will be fun for me too...
Exhibit A:
This was my very first time trying to draw my brows after my makeover. I used the Anastasia Brow Wiz in Brunette (which I still use today) and felt like it applied itself. I was proud of myself becuz brows can make or break ur whole face-period!! If my brows are off I don't even feel whole-it's that serious.
What I'm about to say is very important so listen up...when you go for makeovers, demo's or whatever-anytime you go to a makeup counter and ask them HOW to apply and they demonstrate on you...PAY ATTENTION!! Every single time someone touched my face I had a mirror up and one eye open to study their technique's and placement of product. I would then go home and practice **in my Allen Iverson voice** yes we are talkin bout PRACTICE! I always asked questions if I didn't understand too. I've watched countless youtube vids and fell into my own groove to get to where I am today. Now WHO to watch on YT is a different story (aint got time for that rundown today) but as you get better you'll change how u apply makeup. Just as I would research hair products I do the same when it comes to makeup. Which brings me to the next question I get asked...
What BRAND of makeup do you use?
If I knew then what I know now lol. I'm trying to think of a nice way to say this becuz my first blush was Nars Lovejoy ($30) and it spoiled me (still does). Nars brand is a taaaad expensive yet I have some
La Femme blushes for a mere $3 that's just as pigmented and dmn good. I wish I would've focused more on learning "how to" and playing around with cheaper products before jumping head first into expensive shyt. It would've saved me a lot of time and money as I would've then focused on quality vs quantity. There are some drugstore brands that can rock with the best of them and also lackluster performances from more name brands. MAC is not the end all be all. MAC was easy for me becuz I love shopping at nordstrom and I've grown to love my laydeez (and gents) who keep it real and do me right. They don't sell me off no gimmicky makeup just for a sale and they know ME. I don't seem to get good nor personable customer service at those stand alone MAC spots **wags finger**
MAC Hey Sailor coll 2012
I also rely on MAC becuz as a beginner, I didn't know how to color match myself for foundation and I'll let u in on a secret...I still don't. I'm not for mixing 2-3 different foundations for my perfect shade-I shan't, can't and won't!! I digress...DONT become a label whore...just yet lol. My favorite brand of eyeshadow is Urban Decay (UD). I love the value of their palettes and between them and Too Faced, it's so buttery smooth and blendable so I collect em EASY!! One day I'll reveal my stash ;) Don't get me wrong, there are SOME brands n products I think well worth the splurge but to start out-keep it simple.
Exhibit B:
Would ya looky here...I used a waxy NYC brow pencil, my trusty ol' UD palette n this was before I discovered the power in foundation, concealer, color correcting, highlight/contour and just tossed blush on my cheeks hahahaha!! Wow!!
The one tool folks don't really inquire about which I think is important is brushes. Although the technique is in the flick of the wrist, brushes for me is essential. I started off with a brush set from Sonia Kashuk (the wooden handle collection ones from waaaay back) and it was too scratchy for me but don't worry cuz they've gotten better now. My brush collection ranges from MAC brushes to sephora collection brushes and my fave ELF studio brushes (all black found at Target). My suggestion for beginners is to start out with a brush SET becuz it'll give u the essentials: foundation, crease, shadow, cheek and liner brush to play with.
So after I had my basics down packed I just progressed from there. Some people like the 'no makeup makeup' look and I like my shyt dramatic. I love lashes and a full on drag contour. That's just ME! I've gotten more settle now surprisingly and I'm working on my time management with my face. I take forever becuz I listen to music and I stop to hit high notes. I'd love to challenge myself to see if I can do full face (nothing drastic) in like 10 min but I admire myself in the mirror too long :7
Exhibit C:
This pic is the very moment I felt like I had arrived **makes it rain glitter**. I had used all the skills I learned from others and really took my time for this one. I had played in lashes and FINALLY covered those pesky dark circles. Lookin back on this pic makes me proud becuz I've really come a long way and I've yet to even hit my peak of my ability today. There's always room to grow. As with anything, it's what you put in it. I really studied the art of makeup. I've joined makeup forums to learn more tips n tricks. I'm up on the current trends and I take chances and don't limit myself. IT'S JUST MAKEUP!! I'm not gonna go into skincare first n blah blah blah cuz I want to solely speak on my then n now journey. I'm always to share what I've learned and teach what I know. I've taken classes from amazing artists and networked with makeup artists (MUA's) along the way.
I was in a smokey eye phase |
Oh just kickin it wit my besties Renny n Tati lol
In conclusion, I love makeup talk. I love when people ask for my opinions, suggestions and comments on makeup. What color to pair with...What kind of shadow to get for...What brand is good for...What kind of brush do you use to do...I get em all. I was once where u were. I love to encourage laydeez to step outside the box. If you scared of a red lip it's ok, start off with a red gloss to test the waters. There's so many shades n finishes to find THE perfect red lip for your tone it's overwhelming. The "in" thing now is mauve and pinky nude lips. Eeeeeh I like to go for the gusto. Pink lips are my fave. I love to see deeper complexions with an orange lip OMG **cue heart eyes** But just know that we all have to start somewhere. You don't wake up a pro. I'm 5 years in and I learn something new everyday. I go to makeup counters just becuz! I can have no intentions on buying anything but please believe THEY KNOW DA GIIIIIRL **lip pop** I go into complete zone mode with makeup. It's theraputic for me. It makes me proud when I get random "how did i do" msgs from my girls becuz I was the same way. However **cue chris brown** look at me now oooooh...

#NoFilter might i add |
And speaking of beginners, I wanna highlight my most prized possession right now becuz I'm so proud to have watched this laydee grow after hassling me and poking me all hours of the night. We will go back and forth all day if needed and she is one of my best students lol. I honestly think she's graduated to not needing me anymore **sniff** but when I laid eyes on this beauty my mouth literally DROPPED!!! Not everyone can pull off an ombre lip. Seems pretty easy to me but like I said earlier...u gotta find ur groove with ur own technique to accomplish it. My STAR STUDENT who's graduated to the big leagues...
My Star Pupil |
OMG I'm bout to cry just lookin at the pic. FLAAAAWLESS!!! **snaps in Z formation** This very pic makes it all worth it to me. My hard work along with trials n error is why I love what I do. I'm a teacher!! I've found my niche in showing yall how to do it vs just being a "makeup artist". Honeychiiiiiiiiiild I forgot what else I was gonna say becuz I'm speechless all over again so I'll just **drops mic**
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