As I am getting my mojo back through pampering, shopping and my new fave...womb therapy, I dmn near feel like a new woman. My energy n feeling great on life is at an all time high. As a mother we tend to lose our mojo's becuz we put others before us. I have been able to happily say NO when needed. I just refuse to stress or let others stress me. We must be accountable for our actions n take notice on problems we create that can often times be avoided sooo..YES, I put MYSELF before my child and NO, I don't feel bad about it.

I love me some Mason, lawd knows I do but if mama ain't right then u might as well knock over the Jenga tower cuz it's a wrap! GAME OVER! My sweet innocent angel will be ELEVEN YEARS OLD on the 22nd this month. EEEEK!!! The first 10 yrs have just flown by so I asked him "what do you expect turning 11?" and he responds "more responsibility" **hi five** ya dmnnnnn right. Ya knooooow, it's funny people criticized Michelle Obama's speech on how we nurture n coddle our boys so much becuz "what does she know when she has girls" :7 well it's true...for others not me lol. I have been putting in work with balancing him being a child and teaching him real life skills he'll be using in 7 years. Let's be real...if the first 10 yrs flew quick u think the next 10 coming up? Mason is more responsible than kids older than him. Does he still phk up? Yup! He's still hard headed n the typical boy but he quickly falls back in line knowing how crazy yet petty his mama is. Becuz he's at a point of taking care of himself (sans financially lol) it leaves more room for me to make time for self. I remember when he was younger I would want to shop for myself but came back with everything for him. Skip a pampering day for him. I got side eyed leaving him wit his dad at 4 or 5 months old for a girls trip. Ummm where in the parenting handbook does it say I am obligated to be enslaved to this child I gave birth to? I am not that overly attached mother afraid to not be within arms reach of my child for a certain amount of time n I don't love him any less.

I make it my business to budget for my pamper days to include nails, pedi, massage, wax, hair, shopping, movie time n dinner table for one-all that. It makes me feel good n keeps me sane. Keeps me in a better mood putting myself first. I am refreshed n rejuvenated to keep up wit his azz. TREAT YO SELF!!! These kids got n get more than we have anyways n honestly don't even need it. If I could've kept a receipt for all the...nehmind..bout to make myself mad thinking bout it **rolls eyes** anyhoo...I say all that to say...don't feel bad for treating urself or taking time out for urself.

You are deserving and worth it. You owe it to urself. With younger kids, their not able to fully appreciate u just yet. I know Mason thinks I'm an ATM with never ending funds to dispense at his leisure **le sigh** so I make it priority to keep sane hence my Saturday morning runs to Starbucks n Wegman's. My peace n serenity is important to my overall being. We all could use a moment of clarity to reflect n just enjoy time to self. Taking a break from being a mom sheesh. Hell these days I even take advantage of a quiet house while he's gone n take a bubble bath-it counts n makes a difference. I know n understand how overwhelming it can be as a working mom n getting lost in the hustle n bustle of life. There's only 24 hrs in a day n u wanna figure out how to add more buuuut we can't so make YO'SELF a priority.
Smooches |
I love it!
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