A laydee can never have enuff lippies. The various shades n finishes can be overwhelming. The lip color can easily dictate ur mood. A red lippie means girl power n I feel strong n confident. A nude, I'm being low-key. A matte finish means I'm grown, a gloss finish means I'm being girly n playful :P However u choose to wear em there's no shortage of brands to cater to ur liking. Becuz of the price, high enders can get left behind for us of shaaaaade n melanin when it comes to searching reviews on 'em and if ur used to lower ends it can be quite intimidating. Don't fret, I was once on the edge on whether to take the plunge too. I haven't looked back since taking the leap.
As stated previously...how did I end up here? How did I go from drugstore prices to super ceding MAC prices and not batting a lash to drop monies on THE most expensive lippie EVER!! My advice to beginners is always to not overdo it. Don't get caught up in the hype of scrolling ur TL to see influencers showing off high end shyt that ain't in ur budget-it's ok! Also, do not judge (nor secretly count my pockets). My vice isn't drinking, smoking or partying. It's makeup. I still have a wide range of brands I love that aren't so pricey n enjoy em just as much. People pay for what they want-period. On the flip side to that advice, there really are some high enders that are worth every penny. So what is high end??? I would say a luxury brand within the umbrella of Gucci n them or a price point of $30 n ova.
Learn the lingo:
CCO-cosmetics company outlet
LE-limited edition
YSL-Yves St Laurent
TF-Tom Ford
CL- Christian Louboutin
Dior; Lipglow $34/Double Rouge Matte $37:
my first dip into high end and it feels every bit of luxury gliding on my lips. I love the lipglows n glad they are coming out with more shades every year. It's not a full on color. Just a hint of shade to ur lips without workin hard. NEVER leave em in ur car during hot weather-such a casualty. I use these ALL the way down beyond the nub. I literally SCRAPE the last bits n then it's on to the next. It's that serious. If ur more of a glosser the maximizer is a great option too. They don't have any strong scents n make me feel prissy luxuriating on my lips but more importantly-hydrating. They also have matte lippies I've dabbled in which glide on lovely w/rich pkg'in. WORTH IT!!!
YSL; Volupte Shine/Pur Couture $37:
These are like rubbing clouds against ur lips! OMG after I discovered my first one I went a tad crazy n grabbed more. Aside from the luxury of the package-I'm a sucker for packaging mmmm k these are amazing. The pigment of the shade in one swipe is THERE n they feel buttery on the lips BUT too buttery I will say cuz it becomes very slippery. Yes you'll need to reapply but so what, u will look divine pulling this out the clutch. Some of the shades I have are now DC'd ie Lingerie (left) which is one of my faves!
Tom Ford; Lip color $54:
I have such a love hate for TF. My favorite shades is hands down Sable Smoke n Deep Mink (now DC). I don't know what it is bout TF's nudes but they turn on me like the walkin dead n this is my THIRD time swapping it. I love SS so bad tho I am a sucker for punishment. I have not found a nude I love as much as this one tho but I have better luck with the white pkg'in. I am glad he's expanded to mini's for those not willing to drop $50+ for a full size. but u could honestly finish a tube of these becuz it's worth using everyday. FLAME is a phkn stunna. It's the most gorgeous red/orange ever to brighten ur face (similar to MAC So Chaud) n last all day. It's a rich matte. The packaging is heavy but so is the pigment. You would think at $50 a pop these would linger round but NOPE. When TF collections drop esp if it's LE shades they go QUICK!! Like hard to find-quick so if u snooze u will lose. If ur lucky, u can also find TF in CCO's for a good $30+. I was able to snag a DC'd palette in there for $40 n they normally $82-just saying!

TF Sable Smoke |
Guerlain; Rouge G $37 ($17.50 for the case):
I was mindin my business in Tyson's Mall (Va) during a nordies anniversary sale years ago n stumbled upon this counter. With time to spare this lady picked out a color n I thought nothing of it but tried it on. OMG!! It was magical. I'd never had anything beyond MAC n NARS on my lips at this time but THIS was just the spark of where I am today. Even thinking of how to describe the feeling makes me moan n quiff. Her name was Gypsy n she stole my virginity. It felt like slow motion applying this on my bottom lip n then lightly moving to my top lip all the while erotically blending both lips by merging them together in a blottingly fashion which ends with the most sensual pucker. LAWD JESUS pass me a cigarette **blows out smoke** Gypsy was the most sexiest plum lip I'd ever seen n STUPID ME didn't get it becuz I was intimidated by the $52 price tag (at the time). Little did I know it was LE n although it made me feel sexy AF I am still to this day kicking myself for not leavin with her. Off the no bull I slightly have a tear forming writing this-so serious! COME BACK GYPSYYYYYYYYYY **cue Kim K ugly cry** I never quite recovered from that lost or shall I say...the one that got away **le sigh** Well fast fwd to today n they've revamped the line n also dropped the price. You can now enjoy the luxury at the expense of $37 as a refill bullet n grab a case for $17. The cases are adorbs making them interchangeable. It flips out to a mirror when u take it out. To say this lippie is worth it is an understatement. This shyt trumps em ALL n be killin it on the low. The line is mainly known for their bronzer n balls-I mean meteorites (which I hold a few of) but the standout is definitely the lippies for me. The only reason I don't have more is becuz...well Gypsy left a stain on my heart n I am desperately seeking susan so I settled for this one. GUERLAIN PLEASE BRING HER BACK FOR THE LOVE OF RAY J PLEEEEASE!!

The only remnants I have of Gypsy, circa 2014
Louboutin; Velvet Matte Lip Color $90:
Honey...Sugar...Baby...**lip pops** When the buzz of this comin out hit the blogwaves, I was already waste deep in luxury brands n once u fall into the rabbit hole there's no turning back (which is why I advise to be careful). Once u get a taste of luxury it's hard to go back down.
"Aye baby see, when u used to filet mignon, it's kinda hard goin back to hamburger helper-its ur choice tho baby"
**Warning: arrogance n snobbish-ness starts NOW** the teases had us anxious n when that price dropped...we all knew it's what separated the girls from the womens **hair flip**. When we seen swatches u had to be VERY careful n think long n strong on which ONE to grab first. Then u have to also consider the swatches look different on tones n lighting. That price tag ain't no hoe!! I had to do it for the Cult-CHA tho. I blindly ordered Zoulou and it arrived the same as Prince Hakeem did in Comin to America. The UPS driver tossed rose petals down as he delivered my box. It was then gently opened with a golden letter opener w/the fingerprints of Queen Elizabeth's assistant. As the clouds parted for the gates of heaven to open, the light was shining upon this elegant box of glory n u could hear the harp strings in the background play ever so gently. The epitome of opulence daaaarling-WELCOME!!! I could care less about the fabric provided to wear it as a necklace. I mean come on...u already shytn on bytchez by having it in ur possession as is...how ostentatious must one be **cue Mayweather antics** This is a life changer. It does NOT disappoint AT ALL. The details in packaging is like none I've ever seen n u feel Godly dripping in all this royalness. The whole lipstick is just rich. It's not drying making it the perfect matte for me n no need to reapply. The bullet is quite heavy but I mean...that's what ur bag handlers are for **powder puffs decollecte** If u are a makeup junkie of a certain **ahem** level of elevation then no doubt u have at least ONE! If not, ur clearly outside of the velvet ropes n u may continue to stand in the lines...with the others **shoo hand motion as I side eyed those who waited in line for a FREE Mac lipstick** TUH. I have 2 nudes: Zoulou n Just Nothing. They are buildable to make em more opaque if needed but I keep it simple with one swipe or 2. I have to remind myself NO MORE NUDES when it comes to these becuz I think if ur gonna go for the gusto it might as well be a pop of color to enjoy!
(CL Zoulou on the left, CL Just Nothing on the right)
**comes back down to earth** If you are risky n wanna jump then stop pass a counter to do some swatches n find ur shade. I would go for a staple color-anything nude (those go first). I'm not big on reds but it's also a basic start (which is popular as much as nudes). When u really get comfy u can venture out in bolder colors-pinks, oranges, vampy...the ones u not grabbing for everyday but on the days u feeling boss bytch-ish. Take advantage of sales: 15-25% offs happen more often than u think (for some brands). Nordies does price matching too but it's random. My favorite time is holiday for SETS. YSL normally has a set of mini's and Burberry does a cute little box but it mainly comes with a red shade. Dior is now in...Ulta **le sigh** now let me say this...I have nothing against Ulta. They have an awesome rewards point system going on but it does somethin to my soul knowing I can grab a Dior lippie next to Maybelline **cringe** dare I say it...it cheapens the brand :7 You don't even see a commercial for Bentley's let alone see a sale on em-in case u never noticed. I was already done when MAC hit Ulta becuz it was such an exclusive brand n now...it's opened to the masses at a huge discounted rate. The thieves n those who don't appreciate really good brands take advantage of the opportunity to steal or open up shyt that ain't testers n drives the cost up eventually. phkn peasants!! The infamous question: Do I need these? **scrunches face to think** look...i'm sure u've grabbed a lot of things u don't "need" but i'm not minding nobodies wallet. Do what ur capable of n don't feel pressured or as if ur missing out becuz of the name-it's just makeup (but dmn it if u ain't got bragging rights possessing these-just saying). Is there anything you'd limit for love? Where does the buck stop? I can't bring myself to hit submit for an order of red bottoms (consignment or not) n I currently have Gucci MJ's in my wishlist that I just can't pull the trigger for-designer shoes just ain't my thing but I'm not opposed to it. Til then I'll indulge in their makeup lines which still makes me apart of lol-right.
Smooches |
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