Summer 2015 it's been a blast!!! I feel like it went by fast but also that weird? I'd like to feel a sense of accomplishment knowing I've accomplished a goal for a new job-CHECK and a vacation spot on a sandy beach-CHECK! One of my girls got married in Cancun a few wks ago and as much as I'd loooove to turn into a golden bronzed goddess and come back lookin like a freshly birthed golden n the sun just don't mesh well :( womp womp!! Too much sun for me no matter what SPF sun blocker i use will give me sun poison **cue BBD song** and the heat alone will have me delirious as well, so to bask in some type of glow I hibernate under the shade n peek out every so often to get enuff of a tan so u KNOW I jetsetted somewhere lol. It's always a great time as my girls get together to laugh n cry over memories and making new ones. Like dmn I've known these bytchez since middle school EEEK!!! Although we don't talk often I'm still there to support when needed.
this is when I peek out for sun
Summer isn't my favorite season but this year it was really fun becuz I got to shimmy my way into old clothes n shop for new ones. I will be honest...I have not been to bootcamp for a good month now **gasp** With tryin to adjust to this new 9 to 5 schedule and a new learning curve of an earlier bed time along with juggling dinner n homework after school-I'm just tryin to find my groove until I add in bootcamp again. But I can't lie...I've felt reeeeal good indulging (and guilty later) with junk food but it's gotten old to me becuz my taste buds are over it.
This was soooo good goin down!!
Yeeees Cheesecake Factory is my favorite spot, mmmmm!!! The last time I was there was for cheesecake day where they introduced this year's special Salted Caramel cheesecake!! I'm merely drooling just thinkin of it. Although it's a tad too rich for me to finish in one day (this lasted me all week) it totally bumped out my last year's favorite, Smore's #FatGirlTalk But I have to snap outta this fat girl rut n get my head back in the game becuz my weight has been teetering around that 200 mark and I had finally passed the threshold to 197 but due to laziness n lack of exercise n eating horribly I got back up to like 205 **insert ugly kim k cry face** I can only blame myself so I ain't mad. Why does it have to taste so good bein baaaaad :( I know holidays are starting to roll around and I don't want that to be an excuse that my scale ain't moving so for October I'm gettin back on grind mode. Welp!! So loooong summer and hellooooo Fall. Time to turn the AC off, open them windows to let the cool breeze flow in and I'm ready for cuffin season (with nothin to cuff mind u). Can u believe in 3 months it'll be Christmas. I'm officially ready for snow days especially knowing I'm not essential personnel lol.

Til next year Summer...
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