Quite sure I've been in 2018 a good 2 posts ago :7 My 2017 was the typical rollercoaster of life per usual but I've definitely grown and learned to be patient n trust more. Stepping out on faith has done me good thus far so figure I'd keep it going. Valuable lessons learned indeed. I've been grateful to wake up and go to work during the week to awesome people. Proud to say I am officially registered for Spring 2018 classes and after this I'll have TWO classes left til I graduate for my Associate's-EEEK!! I can't stress enuff what a journey that has been in itself. My gains and losses make me stronger as I push forward and I'm optimistic about what the next year will bring.

One thing I wish I did more often was make time to spend with my friends n fam. I've become such an introvert but I've honestly never been the socialite. I've always been a homebody but for once can someone have a freakin UNO tournament, pajama jammy jam or just anything that doesn't involve being out amongst the crowd :7 I'm a more subtle gal hence why I'm more so on the Annapolis side vs the hustle n bustle of DC (plus parking is free). Sunday Brunches I look forward to although anything buffet doesn't benefit me. The company alone is what I love the most. With family scattered I'd love to take weekend trips whether going north or south but being immersed in school curves that idea.

During holiday season I naturally hibernate. With the change of seasons n the weather so is my mood. It's always the hardest for those who've lost loved ones during this time so people should be more mindful of depression. Grieving comes in waves-at least for me. I've been an emotional rollercoaster since the baby n getting my body back to normal #WomanWoes ON TOP OF...etc. One thing for sure, I'm resilient. Which is why I've already been in GO mode for 2018. Everything is getting elevated with my life. I'm coming for everything "they" say I can't have. No room for peasantry in anything I dew. I will continue to be open minded, inspire, motivate, n elevate. I do want to challenge myself more with being spontaneous. It's fun to just wake up n decide to do a road trip or fly away somewhere on a whim.

Let me say this...Kisha 2.0 is not a game!! I know most people like to make resolutions-cute but there's no greater time to start than now. I'm not putting no pressure on myself to lose weight n more pressure to gain self. I am looking to get more in tuned with myself. Y'all don't even realize how dangerous it is when a woman really discovers who she is but that's for a later post.
If y'all can feel the same FIYAH I feel you'd understand how there's no greater feeling than to feel unstoppable. I ain't takin no bshyt from nobody. I'm not compromising who I am n staying true to the dramatic extraness I am. I look forward to everyone having a grand prosperous New Year and stepping they game up. No need to dwell on the past n press forward to the future...it's brighter than you could ever imagine ♡
Smooches |
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