Well dmn, if you blinked the summer was over and we are headed to saying Merry Christmas any minute!! Sheesh!! I can't complain, the summer has been good to me. My time was mainly taken up with MY LAST...AND FINAL...BON VOYAGE MATH CLASS **cue standing ovation with flowers thrown to the stage** I am officially DONE with MAFF!!! I struggled yet passed with a strong C I proudly accept (yet don't recommend for the standards of my own kids) and now I can breeze through these next 8 classes I have left to achieve my degree next year #Graduate2018 :) I'm now doing 3 classes for Fall and I feel like although I'm so close I'm still far away :7 I know, I know, I know...5 more classes and I'm done but I'm so tired n over school **le sigh** this is the first time in a long time I've consistently stayed IN school since high school. Thanx for the support and encouragement <3 I appreciated the motivation of stories for students over 30 lol.
Top: @goldenbirdboutique on IG Bottom: TJ Maxx Shoes/Clutch: DSW Shades: Boutique in Downtown Annapolis |
If I wasn't busy with Maff and work, you could definitely find me in Annapolis on the weekends. I managed to snatch a weekend up with my ever so "busy" son and forced him to spend time with me since he doesn't like to hang with his mama anymore he was more than willing to tag along with me :D Mason is 10 and has 8 more years until he's released into society as an adult n it is then the shackles will be removed from my ankles n responsibilities relinquished lol. He will always be my baby, my first born and all that mushy stuff mother n sons have BUT one thing I refuse to do is coddle n not teach him responsibility. With that being said....we took a trip to the Naval Academy because I want to start showing him OPTIONS!

We did a tour and walked around settling near the waters and convo'd. He actually enjoyed the visit and is quite interested in learning more of the experience of cadets. I know we push college a lot buuuuut let's be realistic here...it's not for everyone. I will support him in which ever path he chooses...ALL I KNOW IZZZZZZ **randy the roach voice** he's getting prepped quite early and becuz I know MY child, he can handle it. Some people may not agree or think he's too young but MY BABY has been quite advanced for some time now **pops collar**
I enjoy watching him grow up and although I sometimes miss his baby days BEFORE he could talk n have replies that require me to snatch his lips off his face **eyeroll** I wouldn't rewind it for the world. LIFE!!!
Brunch!! Brunch!! Brunch!! I love me a good brunch and I attended when I could of course becuz I love food and good ol' get togethers. Plus it's a good way for me to utilize all this makeup I know I don't need n play dress up :)
Another great highlight of the summer was visiting one of my besties, Kim, in ATL!! We had such a great time. Mason enjoyed the plane ride and I enjoyed Kim Kuisines (I miss her cooking), as I literally lounged, caught up on girl talk n vintage shopped. We took the kids to the Coca Cola Factory (I don't even drink soda haha) which was quite enlightening learning the secret formula, histories and trying out different cola products from different continents. We enjoyed our stay n will definitely be back sooner than later.
So Loooong Summer 17' and Hello Fall/Winter :D I'm looking forward to snuggly sweaters, oxblood-mustard-and olive shades and cozy sweater dresses.
What are you looking forward to this season? Are u getting a head start on New Years Resolutions already lol...yes it's OCTOBER which means 2 more months we head into....2018!!!!
Smooches |
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