On this day, God spoke unto the world. When I was cut out of my mommy's womb HE whispered unto thee world; "your welcome"-Kishathians 1:26
Guess who’s made it another year in age??? This gal. I am officially Thirty Six!! EEEK!!! I honestly can’t remember the last 5 yet looking forward to more. Not Cicely Tyson more but close enuff. As I’ve got another year under my belt, I must pause to thank God for letting me make it thus far becuz a lot of people don’t make it to celebrate their born day. Folks dropping like mixtapes whether it’s from senseless violence or health problems. Whatever the case maybe…I’m here and I’m grateful. I must say it feels weird knocking on 40’s door becuz I don’t feel like I should be getting this “old”. Not that 40 is old…but I meeean when you’re in your teens n early 20’s anything over 30 is considered an “old head”. My parents are in their 50’s looking phkn fabulous and my grandma is 75 just as witty n crazy as me! So I have nothing to worry bout as I gracefully get older. I used to cringe around 25 thinkin oh shyt im headed towards 30 but I am open to welcoming the wisdom gained n lessons learned with aging. Plus I gotta stay hip and in the 'no to decipher these younger generations slang talk. Yall know Mason will NOT be pullin no fast one on ME wit the lingo. I go through his phone, ipad and even snatch his headphones to listen in on those xbox group convo’s that goes on cuz I am THAT MOM who is nosy “AF”.

So reflecting on my past year of being 35…I’ve learned my patience n tolerance is low. Like I feel I’m at a point in my life where I refuse to waste time. Do NOT try ur hand n approach me if yo shyt ain't in order. I'm gonna need the man above to send me a well-prepared n ready man. Not nobody who got "a lot going on". NEEEEEEXT!!! I wanna surround myself with positive and uplifting folks becuz when I say I enjoy being drama free…honeychiiiiiiiiild I think that’s one of the keys to stayin young n fab. I have NO WORRIES (as Sunny says) becuz I ain’t takin on nobody’s drama, I ain’t got no bytches ringing my phone wonderin who I am to they man, don’t ask me for no money cuz I aint got it, no babydaddy drama…u naaaaaame it. I’ve also learned to let go. It pains me at the mere thought of things I’ve left behind in my condo (materialistic shyt) that I’m sure I would’ve hoarded into my new place becuz I’ve always had a tough time of letting go. I feel like when I work hard for something I wanna keep it forever. However, when I’m sitting around wit “stuff” it gets cluttery and I hate clutter. I’ve destashed my makeup n givin it to my sister (who I am VERY proud of in becoming the MUA I wish I could’ve been) and clothes, shoes, just things that I can’t take with me if I dropped dead today.

This is my current mood!!! Happy, Grateful, Excited, Optimistic, Blessed, Woke, Carefree, Giving. I am sooooooo winning right now :) #HumbleBrag It's taken me a long time to get to this point tho. I wasn't always like this so I refuse to dim my light because someone perceives it to be anything other than what iiiiiiii say it is. I am a non-conformist and not what you expect me to be. If you know us Aquarian's we are pretty close to what the zodiac reads of us. I actually think I have balls becuz I have aquarian men traits as well especially in the relationship department. I am reluctant to relationships where I have to compromise my independence. I enjoy my space n time to self. In a perfect world, me and my husband will live next door to each other. I applaud anybody who can put up with an us especially Aquarian men cuz we are no walk in the park.

All isn't lost. Beneath my savage exterior and I don't give a dmn attitude I swear I'm a gentle giant. I am loyal to those loyal to me. Just don't poke the bear cuz I go for the jugular. I've been working on my sarcastic mouth for years LOL...still a work in progress at times. I also think I get it from my daddy who's birthday isn't far from mine (31st) #AquarianTwins <3 Sooooo what do I have planned for my birthday. It's the infamous question every year. I am honestly not big on birthday celebrations of myself. I've always gone to work, enjoy birthday well wishing calls/txts/songs and I have everything I want right now-PEACE & HAPPINESS!!! Who can ask for anything moooooore :D

But actually an ironic gift I'll be getting is what I hate the most: MAFF!!!! I have a math class starting this semester ON my freakin birthday >:< Pray for me. Dinner with amazing men in my life is always cherry on top for me ;) Cheers to making it another year. I have nothing planned for the year and I wanna keep it that way. I want to continue walking by faith becuz apparently everything I had planned has never worked. If you would've told me 10 yrs ago that I would NOT be happily married w/2-3 kids, living in a house with a white picket fence and a dream job, I would've gave the biggest TUH ever. Funny how we have our lives planned out and God just steady chuckling knowin he gonna hit us wit a little razzle dazzle.

How I stay sane: I don't take myself too seriously. Being semi-emotionless has it's benefits lol. Nothing shakes me and I'm the Queen of Petty and Unbothered **tee hee** Live life with no expectations and you can never be disappointed. If things happen to go your way; congrats. Pray often, Give Thanx-not just when your down but when ur up. Be open to trying different things n stepping out the box. I've yet to fail stepping out my comfort zone. It's one of the most liberating things to take that leap n not look back. Don't let me get too deep. I'll stop right here:
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